Perfection is a Myth

“Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.” Alan Cohen. Fully embracing the idea that perfection is a myth has enabled me to become more productive and more confident than ever about my creative output quality and value. It is getting better for me all the time. My … Continue reading Perfection is a Myth

The “Baby Step” Approach to Goals

Have you ever given up on a big audacious goal whenever the going got a bit tough or it seemed like too long to wait to achieve it? Welcome to the club. It will likely have been more to do with your approach to goal achievement than your actual willpower or grit. The baby step … Continue reading The “Baby Step” Approach to Goals

Personal Philosophies Rock!

Personal philosophies? I can almost hear you asking, “Philosophy is something done by ancient professors in dusty reading rooms high up in their ivory towers, isn’t it? What does any of that have to do with me?” I contend that philosophy is more relevant than ever and holding well-formed and dynamic personal philosophies is especially … Continue reading Personal Philosophies Rock!

Self-awareness & EI

What is self-awareness? Self-awareness, or awareness of self if you prefer, is the first pillar of emotional intelligence. Self-awareness really is the key to everything in Emotional Intelligence terms. Hopefully, you’ll recall that emotional intelligence comprises four pillars: self-awareness, self-regulation, understanding others and managing relationships. You could check out my “Emotional Intelligence is vital” post … Continue reading Self-awareness & EI